Saturday, October 9, 2010


The girl who seemed unbreakable, broke.
The girl who always laughed, cried.
The girl that never stopped trying, finally gave up.
She dropped her fake smile as a tear rolled down her cheek,
and she whispered to herself,
'I can't do this anymore'

I'm so emo these day, seriously my heart is dying soon. Some of you maybe knows why, but i cant control myself from posting emo stuff all around. How i wish i can throw away my phone, i really wish my phone would vibrate and the text is from you, but my heart whispered all the time, ' he's not gonna text you anymore, give up girl.' and slowly my tears rolled down. Waiting for you is like waiting for you in this drought, useless and disappointing. Total suffer )': I really don't want to stay at home anymore and faced those stuff. Trying to move on, but i need some time. but still, i promise myself i wont do stupid things, no worries. Thank god i'm going out on Monday and tuesday. Today's 10/10/10, be happy everyone. I'm thinking positive, Phewww (: It's not the end of the world, Cheryl. Your friends are still here for you (: but still, i hope you would come back to me.

Cant wait for 10:10pm, i'm gonna make a wish.

Thanks Min Jui, Faye Kimm, Ming Xuan, Darren for comforting me.
Although you guys thinks it's nothing much, but that really mean alot to me.

P.S. after typing everything out, i felt alot better (: thanks for reading too. i love you guys.

I still love you,
I'm always here for you.


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