Monday, September 6, 2010



Although i cant bring you home, but i still can take a picture with you (: i really wanna buy you home badly D: *ignore me*

Hey readers (: remember my previous post, i said i went to Faye Kimm’s house to had fun, but sadly failed. cause she need to go out and buy stuff, but i still get to go her house and paint my nails, i went there for only an hour though. An hour later, i went to buy my new sim card , i change my number people, my new numbre is 012-660XXXX (: if you wanna know my numb, inbox me on facebook, skype or MSN :D my dump my old number already, which is the 019 wan, cause is really too expensive, but the line is like super good , though (: even i went to the middle of the jungle, i still have full of line (: HEH :D

going ou later to celebrate Ching Ying’s birthday (: so ciaoz :D

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