Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Hello humans out there. I was so bored that i went to google and search myself. and i found my dead-o-blog. (: i dint expect there's gonna be some comment on my chat box, tho :D and some one asked me my TUMBLR link. :D weeee. Ahahaha, this is stupid. but yeah, i'm a happy kid :D my school exam ended last week, damn suck. i failed one subject so far. (: Will try my best to update my blog more often *finger crossed* But i dont think there's gonna be much people viewing. put a smiley in my chat box, give me some energy to update. :DDD pinky promise. LOL much.

kay thanks byeeeee.
iloveyou viewers. oh yeah, check my tumblr . you wont ever regret :D

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